Tuesday, July 11, 2017


This topic will seek to identify the important ways on how people who are developing be similar to each other and how they differ as they grow up. Though there are typical ways on how a child develops, no two children have exactly the same kind of development. There are instances that children who are raised on the same home have very different values, abilities, skills, and behaviors. This issue to be discussed is about the typical or normal patterns of change (normative development) and on individual differences (idiographic development).

According to  Bjorklund & Blasi (2011), normative approach is an approach in psychology that is mainly concerned with all features that all people have in common. The changes may be in physical characteristics, social characteristics, and/or cognitive characteristics. On the other hand, idiographic approach is an approach in psychology that is concerned with individual differences among people, as opposed to concern with features that have in common.

An article from scribd.com stated how normative differs from idiographic. Normative approach includes development that is shared by most of people. It refers to the similarities we have as a human beings and it is the general change that most children experience as they proceed through life. Whereas idiographic approach includes individual variations. It refers to the differences that every people have. This approach is focused on the aspects that make us unique from other people.

       To further understand, see my next post. :)


  1. I look forward on your next post (:

  2. What a fantastic article you have here. Good job! 👍

  3. Wow, that's a nice info., I hope you continue blogging, thumbs up for your post. ;)

  4. I've been looking for a simple and easier explanation for this topic for quite sometime, thank God I finally found one! I'm looking forward to read your next post. I hope you continue blogging because your blog really helped me, and it could help other people too! Kudos!

  5. Well-written article, very interesting!

  6. This one is a good topic to discuss among parents and siblings maybe. Good job for this one! I will look forward for the next posts and I hope to learn more among the differences and commonalities between children since I have a brother :) Thanks!

  7. This is very informative! I like how you dissected the topic and even put in references!
