Monday, July 24, 2017

Author's Insights: Nature vs. Nurture

From the last blog entry about Nature vs. Nurture, I discussed about what nature and nurture means and I also included some citations from different journals. For this entry, the approach will be more personal since I would discuss my personal thoughts regarding the issue or the so-called debate as well as share some of my experiences related to the topic of Nature vs. Nurture.

The traits or characteristics that I inherited from my parents are more on the physical aspect. Many people say that I look like my mother but I can also say that there are physical features that I also got from my father like the eyes. I think that what I am now is an effect of what I experienced before. For example, I am not an active student way back elementary. I used to be shy and quiet but as I entered high school, I was exposed to different activities that really enhanced how I carry myself in front of other people and now, I can say that I am more confident with myself. That characteristic of mine came from the influence of external factors.

And now, I will share my personal thoughts regarding Nature vs. Nurture. I think that there should be no debate regarding the two concepts. Yes, there are characteristics that are inherited but there are also traits that are influenced by experiences. Both are helpful in human development and it only differs on where that behavior came from. Whether it is inherited or learned through experience, what is important is how that behavior affects us NOW.

WHAT ABOUT YOU? I encourage everyone to share your own experiences and thoughts regarding this matter. Your ideas and comments are highly appreciated. J   


  1. I agree! Love this article ❤️

  2. I agree with how you perceive this topic. I believe that both nature and nurture enteracts and helps each other in the development of children.

  3. I totally agree with this topic, but i do believe it is the external force or the environment that will have a great impact/influence for an individual's growth and development.

  4. It is easier to understand lessons if there were realistic examples just like what you did. Keep up the good work!
    P.S. the baby looks so cute.

  5. this article is very informative. well done!

  6. I totally agree with this article. All characteristics we have, it may come from our parents genetically or can be in the environment we are in, nature vs. nurture must not be a debate because these characteristics build us up as a person. We should love every detail of ourselves either its an inborn attribute or an acquired characteristic for it determines to who we are today and what we will become tomorrow.

  7. I agree on this one! Well-explained ❤️
